Preparing, expressing an opinion on and negotiating a contract or agreement with a foreign partner
International professional and scientific experience of the founder of the Wiza Law Firm, advocate Oliwia Wiza, consisting, inter alia, in working at law firms in Hungary and Portugal, specialising in legal representation of entrepreneurs and immigration law, as well as fluency in three foreign languages: English, Portuguese and German, makes it possible for us to provide effective legal advice in various international transactions. The Wiza Law Firm’s close cooperation with a team of Portuguese advocates also enables us to offer legal support to those interested in establishing business relationships on the Portuguese market, or investing in Portugal, such as buying a real property by the Atlantic Ocean.
Preparing, expressing an opinion on and negotiating a contract or agreement with a foreign partner
Handling a legal dispute involving a foreign entity
Recovery of debts from foreign counterparties
Securing the possibility of asserting claims against foreign entities
Obtaining the European Account Preservation Order
Drawing up an agreement securing the possibility of conducting proceedings before a Polish court
Claiming payment of receivables from foreign entities
Claims in the European Small Claims Procedure
Claims in the European Order for Payment Procedure
Representation in legal proceedings involving a foreign entity
Ensuring that a ruling issued can be enforced abroad
Obtaining a certificate permitting enforcement abroad
Determining which court is competent to hear a case
Drawing up a jurisdiction agreement
Drawing up an agreement on the determination of the applicable law
Drawing up a contract or an agreement with a foreign counterparty
Determining which law is applicable to hear a case
Investing in a real property in Portugal
If your cases do not fall into any of the above categories, write to us – we like challenges!
NIP: 7773199467
Grunwaldzka Str. 19/4.09
61-001 Poznań, Poland
Niegolewskich Str. 28c/7
60-231 Poznań, Poland